Which Country leads the charge against Carbon Emissions? CHINA! CHINA? China pledges to limit carbon emissions for first time | Environment | theguardian.com
“The government will use two ways to control CO2 emissions in the next five-year plan, by intensity and an absolute cap,” Reuters reported He as saying. Though not a government official, He is a high level advisor.While environmentalists broadly welcomed the remarks, they cautioned that it was far from clear at what level the cap would be set and said it needed to be enforceable.Chinas emissions have risen dramatically in the last two decades, overtaking those from the US – the previous biggest producer – in 2006. Although the average Chinese persons carbon footprint is still much lower than the average Americans, it is catching up, and is now on a par with the average Europeans.
via China pledges to limit carbon emissions for first time | Environment | theguardian.com.