Our Impact
More than 50 nonprofits are represented in our active charity network. The bulk of our charitable partners are NGOs and faith-based organizations which provide low-income assistance, protect animals, and offer humanitarian aid. Our charity network also includes a variety of emergency service organizations, schools, and homeless shelters. Here’s a sample of nonprofits who’ve benefited from Waste to Charity operations!
Habitat for Humanity Sarasota is appreciative of our partnership with Waste to Charity… Your, on average, truckload of bi-monthly donations made to Habitat Sarasota ReStore supports our mission to build affordable housing.
Habitat for Humanity
Sarasota, FL
Your donation of clothing, especially all those uniforms, were so needed. You are a Christmas Angel.
Mothers Helping Mothers
Sarasota, FL
Thank you for your recent generous gift… Thanks to you, we provided 91,250 hot meals and snacks to the residents in our community and nighboring areas.
Charlotte County Homeless Coalition
Port Charlotte, FL